July, 2013

Residency at Residency Unlimited (Brooklyn) + a solo exhibition the Geometers at 3rd Eye(sol)ation (Brooklyn)
Brueckner is pursuing an artist residency in Brooklyn during July, 2013 at Residency Unlimited.
His solo exhibition the Geometers opens August 10, 2013 at 3rd Eye(sol)ation in Brooklyn. The Geometers is about the negotiations of mathematical geometry with the performative body that will involve installation, performance, and video with paintings and drawings.
>>> The rehearsals for the Geometers
December, 2012

Cover Image for Queens Courier Magazine
Brueckner's painting is published on the cover of Queens Courier Magazine, Queens, NY (December edition).
This work was from the show he had in NY at Local Project during the summer, 2012.
Queens Courier Magazine (online edition)
August 4 - August 19, 2012

Solo Exhibition at Local Project - Art Space New York
Nude Super Hero Karaoke Show
Opening Reception:
Saturday, August 4, 2012, 7:00pm - 11:00pm
August 4 - August 19, 2012
Local Project
45-10 Davis Street
Long Island City, NY
Local Project Website: http://www.localproject.org
>>> More information about this exhibition
Exhibition Gallery Hours:
Thursday to Monday: 12:00pm - 6:00pm
Tuesday & Wednesday: closed
May 12, 2011
Art Review in Uptown Magazine
If these walls could talk...
Two artists exhibit differently romantic paintings of walls
by Sandee Moore
>>> Read the article
March 19 - April 23, 2011
Solo Exhibition at Semai Gallery
Paintings of Performance: New Paintings and Photos
Opening Reception:
Saturday, March 19, 2011, 7:00pm - 10:00pm
March 19 - April 23, 2011
Semai Gallery
Basement Corridor
264 McDermot Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Canada R3B 0S8
Semai Gallery Hours:
Tuesday to Saturday: 12:00pm - 6:00pm
Monday & Sunday: closed
For more information on Paintings of Performance at Semai Gallery:
January 28 - May 8, 2011
Three Person Exhibition at Buhler Gallery / Galerie Buhler
Open-Ended Narratives: Ted Howorth, Derek Breuckner & Bill Pura
January 28 - May 8, 2011
Buhler Gallery
St. Boniface Hospital
409 Taché
Winnipeg, Manitoba R2H 2A6
Buhler Gallery Hours:
Daily 10:00am – 8:00pm
Saturday & Sunday noon – 4:00pm
For more Information on Open-Ended Narratives and the Buhler Gallery / Galerie Buhler:
December 14, 2008
Art Review in Winnipeg Free Press
Artist explores intersection of tradition and technology by Stacey Abramson
Connections between old and new media in artwork create important and engaging visual conversations about the changing face of contemporary art. Local artist Derek Bruekner examines these changes, and also looks at how technology is affecting the human body, through his works in Watching Velocity Dry -- a series of digitally altered painting and prints.
These latest works by Bruckner show the artist exploring the relationships between digital and traditional artistic media. Cre8ery's manager Jordan Miller says viewers have been noting that the works show the University of Manitoba school of art professor "breaking free" from his former method of working, which leaned toward the more traditional side of painting. Continue reading...
November 03, 2008
Brueckner's Solo Exhibition Watching Velocity Dry at Cre8ery
Watching Velocity Dry
Opening Reception:
Saturday, November 29, 7:00pm - 11:00pm
November 29 - December 20
Gallery hours: Tuesday to Saturday: 12pm - 5pm
Evening hours: Monday & Thurs: 6pm -10pm
2nd floor -125 Adelaide St. (Across from Canadian Footwear)
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3A 0W4
Website: http://cre8ery.com/
Phone: 204.510.1623
Artist Statement for "Watching Velocity Dry":
Currently working with technology in relation to drawing/painting and the figure/body. The work involves dialectics (exchange of conflicting ideas) encompassing the processes of haptic (hand made), ocular and digital image making.
The result of this dialectic attempts to bridge and or blur the pictorial spaces of physical paint processes with the dematerialization of Photoshop. Ultimately the work explores a reaffirmation of painting/drawing in relation to the ambivalence of technology.
The subject matter that culminates within the work references corporeal entities, mutations, cell division, systems, patterns, or spectacle. Overall the work’s imagery and processes becomes a metaphor for the cultural impact of technology in and on the body and the way the body feels and perceives.
In the end it is my hope that the fusion of a painter’s sensibility with Photoshop will slow down or offer a subtle resistance to the sonic production and consumption of digital imagery.
January 03, 2008
Brueckner presents on a panel at the 2008 Annual College Art Association Conference in Dallas
The Search for Vision's Body: The Role of Touch in the Practice of Painting and Architecture
Wednesday, February 20, 2:30 PM–5:00 PM
Houston Ballroom C, 3rd Floor, Adam's Mark Hotel
Chairs: Thomas Berding, Michigan State University; Sanda Illiescu, University of Virginia
The Tactility of Vision; or, Experiencing Painting and Sculpture in Scarpa’s Castelvecchio and Canoviano Galleries
Nathaniel Coleman, New Castle University
Trace and Artifice
Jill Moser, independent artist, New York
Threshold Connections: Dialectics of Cybernetic Dematerialization and the Physicality of Painting
Derek Brueckner, University of Manitoba
In Search of the Tactilists: A Survey of Contemporary Haptic Aesthetes
Jennifer Justice, independent scholar, Chicago
Touch Is Essential: The "magic of the real world" in the Work of Peter Zumthor
Phoebe Crisman, University of Virginia
Discussant: Scott Poole, Virginia Tech
January 03, 2008